Pierate Piefest 2012
Yes, I have been a little behind schedule putting these photos up, but better late than never eh! This is the Pierate Piefest December 2012, where we all made some successful pies. Yum.
We made sure all the pies were not just top-crusts, ensuring that the pie filling was totally encased in pastry. |
The spread...(we brought out the special pirate-themed crockery for this event) |
Arguably the most expensive pie ever on Pierate, costing 15 Euros for the above portion of duck pie (this pie will also have its own review, since we didn't make this pie. It was bought specially in France) |
We did make this pie, though. The Pierateer here is reading the Pierateer's Essential Guide to Pie, which will soon be made available on our website. |
An impressive dessert of Chocolate, Marshmallow, Ginger and Popping Candy pies. |
It was a terrific event, and the pies were enjoyed by all that attended. We can't give them a rating (apart from the expensive French pie) because we made them ourselves.
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