Pierate Treasure Map

Want to find the best pie in your location? Pierate marks the spot when it comes to great pies! We've put all the pies on one map so you can always find a top pie nearby.

All pies on the map below have been rated by the Pierateers. Click on each coloured point for more information about that pie. The pies are colour-coded according to their score on the Seven Cs. See the key to the left for what the colours mean.

The map just includes pies that are sold in one establishment - e.g. pubs, street markets, independent bakeries/butchers - and therefore excludes pies bought from supermarkets/online. When more than one pie has been reviewed in a particular establishment, the top-scoring pie has been recorded on the map.

Read the Pierate Pie Rankings for all the pies, or find top pies according to their filling.

Make sure you 
and let us know your thoughts!


  1. I dont see 1 itty bitty lil flag in america...perferably new york whats up with that

  2. We had a bit of an unsuccessful American Pie Tour earlier this year in Washington DC. Unfortunately actual work got in the way of rating pies, and I couldn't find any pies in the immediate vicinity. But we certainly plan to go back. There's a whole wonderland of pies in the US, it seems!


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