Wednesday 25 December 2013

A Christmas message from Pierate - "Unity"

Wishing you a very merry Christmas, from us all at Pierate!

I would like to give a little Christmas message, if I may. The theme I have chosen this year is unity. Whether you celebrate Christmas or whether you celebrate a separate religious festival, I'm sure you'll agree that we all feel a great sense of unity during the festive season. I feel more inclined to help a stranger, call my grandmother, and donate to charity.

This wonderful sense of unity can also be found in a pie. When you think about it, pies are the epitome of unity. The ingredients in the pastry unite together to form the dough. The egg wash unites the pastry edges, and the pastry holds the filling together with robust composure. The pie is a gorgeous symphony of pastry, meat and gravy - a rare orchestration of sublime smell, texture and taste that is so uncommon in this often cacophonous world. The flavours unite, the smells unite. The crunch of the pastry harmonizes with the blissful silkiness of the gravy. One feels a strong sense of connectedness with, and within, the pie.

This Christmas, my friends, we are all united in pie.

Merry Christmas.
Pierateer TJP + all at Pierate HQ

Of course, don't forget to watch Pierateer RAS' 12 Pies of Christmas! Yes, there really 78 pies!

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