Tuesday 14 October 2014

Our new addition to Pierate...

As you may know, here at Pierate HQ we hold a yearly AGM (less organised than it sounds) where we discuss all of our dreams about the future of pie reviewing. Alongside piesuing worldwide pie domination and eating pies in every country, one idea that has come up repeatedly is an interactive pie rankings table.

Wouldn't it be great, we fantasized, if you could filter the table results according to whatever category of pie you were hankering for right now? Ah, that would be living the dream. And for several years, this has remained just that - simply a piepe-dream...

But not any more.

After several frustrating weeks of staring at various bits of code, we're thrilled to present to you a beta-version of our interactive pie rankings table! You'll note it's not much to look at yet (there's still many more frustrating weeks to go), but we hope it offers some useful functionality for now! Go and check it out now! And do let us know if it works.

Yours in pie,

The Pierateers

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