Thursday, 12 November 2009

Sailing the Seven Cs

Welcome Aboard the bountiful Pierate Ship me hearties!

If you're as much a fan of pies as I am, then you're sure to love this site. Here at the Pierate Ship we have a curious obsession with eating pies and then rating them according to certain criteria. If you want to be an expert Pierateer then you'd better get clued up on how to sail the Seven Cs!

How to rate a pie according to the Seven Cs:
1. Colour
2. Consistency
3. Capacity
4. Chewiness
5. Cheapness
6. Content
7. Condition


  1. Just seen your love of pies and thought of you when I saw this...

    What a pie-fect sponsorship deal! What are your thoughts on Pukka Pies?

  2. Surely you must of heard of Cissy Greens meat pies in Haslingden, Lancashire?
    Quite simply the best meat pie in the world.
    Still using the same secret recipe from well over 100 years ago, and the same original wooden pie moulds, these really are one of Britains great culinary masterpieces.
    Whilst not a football pie, we always take a bagful when watching Burnley. Worth a goal start. Well, it is to us.

    1. Thanks for the suggestion Jim. We will have to try and seek them out when up in Lancashire. We love a pie with a good history!


Thanks for getting in touch with the Pierateers!