Sunday 11 January 2015

Waitrose tangy onion pork pies

Waitrose Pork Pie Reviews

Just when you thought there couldn't possibly be any more supermarket pies we hadn't rated at Pierate, I came across THREE as-yet-unrated varieties of pork pie in my local Waitrose, and just had to try them out. Here is the first of them. How does it rate on the Seven Cs?

Waitrose 2 Tangy Onion Chutney Topped Pork Pies

Colour - The pies are a nice golden brown colour. The colour of the filling is also a nice pink colour, rather than grey (as in some cheap pork pies). 5.8/7
Condition - The pies come very nicely packaged in a box to help protect their delicate chutney lids from any knocks. The pies therefore arrive in great condition. 6.2/7
Capacity - For me, the pastry is a little too thick and therefore reduces the capacity of this pie. There is a high crust:filling ratio - I would prefer more filling. There are also some airgaps around the sides of this pie, where there should be jelly but there isn't. 5.2/7
Content - The meat looks and tastes of good quality. I really like the tangy onion topping, but this does come at the expense of a pastry lid - therefore losing this pie marks (we like our pies fully encased in pastry). If the onion chutney could somehow be encorporated into this pie so it still had the pastry lid remaining, it would score highly in my books. 5/7
Consistency - Both pies taste great, therefore scoring well for consistency across the packet. 6/7
Chewiness - Neither the meat nor the pastry were particularly chewy, therefore scoring well here. 6/7
Cheapness - These pies were fairly expensive, I thought. At just under £1 per pie, these pies are too small to offer great value for money. 4.6/7

In short, I would recommend these pies for a nice picnic in the park!

Overall score: 5.54 / 7

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