Wednesday, 6 March 2013

A uni-versally acclaimed chicken pie

Pie and Mash Night
Pie & Mash night (though the picture is
a bit misleading as it's just a top crust!)
With Aston University’s main cafe – known as CafeTierra for the uninitiated – hosting a regular themed night on Tuesdays during term time, it will come as no surprise that the Pierateers were eagerly hoping that British Pie Week had caught the attention of the powers at be at Aston Uni. And following email correspondence with the CafeTierra manager, it was great to hear that they were all over British Pie Week, hosting a “pie and mash” night on Tuesday of British Pie Week. Naturally I was there at 5pm prompt, as soon as the working day had finished, ensuring I got my hands on a pie. There were three to choose from, but having had a beef and onion before, I went for the Chicken and Mushroom Pie this time. So, was I going to get an education in pie making or would they need to study harder before they put on another pie night? Would I be awarding a 2:2, 2:1 or even a first? There was only one way to find out!
CafeTierra in Aston University, host to "Pie and Mash Night"
 As a regular pie eater, my immediate thought was a surprising lack of golden pastry topping. Upon eating I soon discovered that this certainly did not detract from the flavour of the pie, but I was slightly taken aback by the lack of golden crust. However the pie was packed full of meatilicious content (as all meat pies should be!) and the sauce was delicious. The sauce had a really nice consistency to it, not too runny and smothering the chicken pieces well. The meat was top quality and the sauce complemented the chicken delightfully (joint honours) and was very addictive. The main drawback was that this, like all the other pies on offer at Pie Night, was a top crust and therefore lacking on the pastry front. However for what it’s worth, that did mean the content of the pie was bursting out all over my plate and filled the hole delightfully after a busy day at work.

Chicken & Mushroom Pie
Chicken & Mushroom Pie @Aston University
Overall, I’d give this pie a very high 2:1 in our pie rankings system, with the main feedback being a delicious meaty pie with great sauce, but a significant lack of crisp golden pastry. But the flavour was very nice and I’d certainly have another!

Aston University Chicken & Mushroom Pie
Score: 5.7/7


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Thanks for getting in touch with the Pierateers!