Sunday 10 March 2013

British Pie Week - Day Six

The weekend of British Pie Week gave even more time fore pie eating. Upon taking a trip to a Co-op in Ipswich SJL was pleased to find they stocked pies made by a local Suffolk pie company called Hollybush Farm. There was a great selection of pies to choose from but SJL decided that the one that would be best to eat cold was the Onion Marmalade Pork Pie. A bit of a twist on the classic pork pie this pie was a delight to eat. The pastry was crumbly and soft. The filling was not at all chewy or fatty and the onion marmalade gave it a lovely sweet edge. This was one of the best pork pies SJL had tasted and at 99p it was quite good value for a sizeable pie.

While in co-op SJL also grabbed a box of apple pies in order to compare them to their contemporaries in other supermarkets. The day involved a long shopping trip in Ipswich to buy things for a new house which SJL had moved to. SJL was hugely thankful he had the pies as they gave a much needed energy boost. Three were consumed and it must be said they were pretty good. For once these pies actually looked better in real life than on the box! The pastry was soft, the filling sweet and full of apple and there wasn't much air gap in the pies. They also arrived in good condition unlike some of the Morrissons pies reviewed recently....

Hollybush Farm Produce - Onion Marmalade Pork Pie - 5.60/7
Co-op Bramley Apple Pies - Bramley Apple Pies - 4.55/7

SJL Pie Count Day Six: 4
SJL BPW Total: 21

With just two days of British Pie Week remaining, there was no time for Pierateer RAS to start resting on his laurels! However following a nice lie in, there was no need to have a breakfast pie on day six, as RAS went straight into lunch. Of course, the lunchtime menu contained pie. A Tesco Chicken and Bacon Lattice Pie, to be precise. But as much as he would have liked to eat the family sized pie all himself, RAS used this pie eating time as an opportunity to spread the love of pie with his new Italian housemate, Vincenzo. While Vincenzo had eaten a pork pie already in his first month of living in the UK, now that he had just moved in to live with a professional pie eater this was his first op-pie-tunity to try out a full meat and sauce/gravy pie. Vincenzo wasn’t to be disappointed!

Vincenzo and Pie
Vincenzo's "Deliziosa" Pie!
The Tesco Chicken and Bacon Lattice Pie was very good (full review coming soon) and Vincenzo described his first proper pie experience as being “Deliziosa!” Here’s to many more delightful pies in the weeks and months to come!

Following the dinner, Pierateer RAS continued his Morissons Pie consumption with pie number 9 of his boxes of 12, before submitting the review of those pies (which became the 150th and 151st pies to be reviewed on the world’s premier pie blog –!)

 But possibly the highlight of the day was the opportunity that Pierateer RAS had that evening to share the joys of pie blogging with about 200 other volunteers at the Yonex All England Badminton Championships. Following the conclusion of play on Saturday, the volunteers had a buffet and drinks reception, put on by Badminton England. And to his delight, Pierateer RAS was asked to say a few words about pierate as he handed a prize out of official pierate merchandise – a bag of goodies which included a pierate t-shirt, mug, pen and book! The 60 seconds to promote the blog and some useful networking after the event helped make it the biggest audience to date for promoting pierate. It was good networking experience for when the Pierateers go to the British Pie Awards later this year (which we all have down in our diaries for Wednesday 24th April 2013.)

Pierateer RAS then caught up with two university friends (Stu and Helen), to hang out and chat pie, and then met another old university friend at the end of his sponsored 100 mile bike ride. Well done Dan! To celebrate this amazing achievement, Pierateer RAS had his own celebration with a Steak and Kidney Pukka Pie and chips! This was RAS’s 5th Pukka Pie of the year, as part of the Pierateers joint attempt to eat 50 Pukka Pies in 2013 to celebrate 50 years of Pukka Pies!

RAS Pie Count Day Six: 3
RAS BPW Total: 17

Day Six Total: 7
British Pie Week Total: 44

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