Saturday, 11 May 2013

A "Luxury" Pie is a Big Claim

Kershaws Luxury Steak Pie Review

Is "luxury" losing its meaning? Too many times have I been promised something "luxury", and I have been left sorely disappointed.

But surely a "luxury steak pie" must be pretty good, right? Come on Kershaws, don't let me down! Bring back the meaning of the word luxury!

kershaws luxury steak pie review
Don't let me down!
I must mention that I found this pie in the frozen aisle of Morrison's, for £1.50. If I've grabbed myself a little slice of luxury here, this would be bargain of the century. I open up the pack:

kershaws luxury steak pie review
The pie pastry has strange dots on it
My initial reaction is that it looks terrible, but I remain vaguely hopeful that the pie might look more appetising  once it has been cooked. There's an option to microwave it, or to oven cook it. I'm so disappointed with the look of this pie that I'm not going to even give it the time of day to cook it in the oven. Microwave it is.

Kershaws Luxury Steak Pie Review
Seriously. What is this? I have a puddle of gravy, swimming with meaty strands, topped off with a limp paper-thin rectangle of pastry. I know I microwaved this pie (and probably would have got slightly better results after oven cooking it), but I am struggling to find anything remotely "luxury" about this pie, as was described on the packet.

Meat cube
The steak is chopped into odd little meaty cubes. Their perfect symmetry slightly creeps me out. In short, not only do I not think this pie qualifies as "luxury", it's devastatingly also a top crust.

Kershaws Luxury Steak Pie
Score: 1.2/7

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