Saturday 9 March 2013

More-reasons to buy pie at Morrisons?

Morrison's Bramley Apple Pie Review

Morrisons Bramley Apple Pies
Morrisons Bramley Apple Pies
I’m sure we all remember that classic marketing campaign giving us “more reasons to shop at Morrisons” (yeah, I know, it kinda only works when you say it right). Well sadly I don’t ever recall them focusing on their pie provision during that marketing campaign, but it sure would be a reason why I’d visit my local Morrisons store! And that is exactly what I did during British Pie Week, to sample their Bramley Apple and Bramley Apple & Blackcurrant pies. But what could I possibly do with 12 pies all to myself?! Well, eat them all of course! So I’ve slowly been munching my way through all 12 (and also bought a couple of extra boxes to share with friends), meaning these are potentially the most tried and tested pies on to date! Here’s my pielog:

Monday 4th March 2013: 6 Bramley Apple and 6 Bramley Apple & Blackcurrant pies were purchased at Morrisons, on New Street in Birmingham
Wednesday 6th March 2013: 2 Bramley Apple & Blackcurrant pies were consumed for breakfast, followed by 1 Bramley Apple Pie for “elevenses” when I helped at Mums & Tots group and another Bramley Apple Pie when I got back in from the Badminton
Thursday 7th March 2013: 2 Bramley Apple & Blackcurrant pies were consumed for breakfast
Friday 8th March 2013: 2 Bramley Apple & Blackcurrant pies were consumed for breakfast (sadly all gone now!)
Saturday 9th March 2013: 1 Bramley Apple Pie consumed for lunch pudding (3 still to eat)

So with 9 pies consumed before writing this review, I hope all can see that I’m taking no chances with ensuring that the consistency throughout the box of pies is also considered, not just basing my decision on a one-off pie. Here goes then:

My initial reaction when opening my box of 6 Bramley Apple & Blackcurrant pies was sadly one of horror! And you can see why from the photo of these pies (which has also been added to twitter as part of a “spot the difference” exercise in comparing the picture on the box to what I actually got served!) My initial thoughts turned to “pielid-gate” being the potential next issue to hit UK Food Retailers – however you will be pleased to hear that the Bramley Apple pies were in tip top shape.
Morrisons Bramley Apple & Blackcurrant Pies
Morrisons Bramley Apple & Blackcurrant Pies
So once I got over the initial shock of being able to see what was in my pie before I’d had a chance to cut it open with my spoon – perhaps Morrisons were taking the idea of showing you exactly what is in their food a bit too literally! – I have to say I did rather enjoy the pie set before me. The pastry was crisp and not overly sweet, the filling had a delicious balance of berries and puree and the capacity was pretty good for the pies that actually had their lids in the proper place (meaning their filling hadn’t smeared all around the inside of the pie box!) The Bramley Apple pies were likewise very nicely filled, perhaps with slightly overly crunchy pieces of apple at points but generally very well received. I slightly preferred the Bramley Apple & Blackcurrant flavour, however as one of the 7 Cs is condition, I settled on 4.25 for both pies.

I certainly now have more reasons to shop at Morrisons, having found out firsthand how nice their pies are. However, hopefully my next box of Morrisons pies will have their lids firmly in place!

Morrisons Bramley Apple and Blackcurrant
Score: 4.25/7

Morrisons Bramley Apple
Score: 4.25/7


Note:  Following “pielid-gate” mentioned above, I spoke to a very understanding Morrisons Customer Helpline lady for 10 minutes this morning. I went through the issues of being served a pie that didn’t have its lid firmly in place and she agreed that Morrisons would feed this back to their supplier on my behalf. I accepted their apology and the refund vouchers they decided they would send me, though this has in no way affected the score the pie got and the integrity of the blog has not been affected through this kind gesture.

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