Saturday, 28 September 2013

Pie before you can buy! Mr Kipling World Exclusive

Pie Review of Mr Kipling Lattice Apple Pies

It comes as a great privilege to be able to review a pie that has not even hit the shops yet! So while Mr Kipling stockists are busy awaiting their deliveries of Lattice Apple pies, Pierateer RAS was busy chomping away at the Lattice Apple pie that had arrived during the post earlier that day!

Now it has to be said that the condition of some of the pies were worst for ware following the postal delivery (even with the “Fragile” and “handle with care” notices on the packaging!) However from the pie in the photo you can see the lattice structure and the apple filling inside.

Mr Kipling Lattice Apple Pies
Mr Kipling Lattice Apple Pies
As for the taste itself, you won’t probably find it a surprise to hear that the apple lattice pie was very similar in taste to the Mr Kipling Apple Pie reviewed before. However the lattice lid was a bit lighter in taste than the full short crust topping. The apple was not at all chewy and very flavoursome, complementing the short crust pastry well. While it was disappointing to see Mr Kipling pies turn away from the full pastry encasement of their filling – something we at are strong advocates of – it was still a very nice pie and the slight lack of top crust pastry did little to put me off buying this pie again (not that I had to buy it this time!)

Once again an exceedingly good pie from the premier portable snack sized fruit pie manufacturers!

Mr Kipling Lattice Apple Pie
Score: 6.14/7


Special thanks to Mr Kipling for taking the time out of his busy pie making schedule to send me some of their new pies before they even reach the shops and to Jeremy, Jonathan, Rebekah, Rob and Steve for sharing this world exclusive with me!

See where these pies ended up in the Pierate Pie Rankings or find other pies of a similar flavour.

Make sure you 
and let us know your thoughts!

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