Monday, 7 March 2022

British Pie Week 2022 - Monday Update

With British Pie Week kicking off today, here's an update on what's going on in the world of pies in the best week of the year!

Pierate Birmingham Pie Night

While last year was an obvious exception due to the UK Covid Lockdown, we always feel it would seem rude not to celebrate British Pie Week without going to a local pie shop with friends of the blog! Therefore Pierateer Rob has organised a trip to The Botanist in central Birmingham. We have enjoyed a few pies from there in the past but it is definitely due a revisit, so look with a lovely sounding lamb pie on the menu, look out for the review later this week.

British Pie Awards

A few years ago the British Pie Awards moved their awards to coincide with British Pie Week, and this year celebrate their 14th year! Last year it had to be postponed to September, but the show still went on. While we won't be there in person this year, judging happens in Melton Mowbray this Wednesday and we look forward to hearing the results this Friday!

British Pie Week Pierate
British Pie Week 2022 is from 7-13th March!

Pie-motions this Pie Week

As it's British Pie Week, a number of pie shops and pie companies are doing special pie-motions to give you even more reason to eat pie this week (as if you really needed it!) We'll share some of our favourites throughout the week but to give you a flavour:
  • Pieminister are giving you the chance to nominate an idea and design your own pie, the best one of which will be put into pie-duction later in the year
  • Turner's Pies, who have been British Pie Awards Supreme Champion twice now, are giving away a year's supply of pies to one lucky customer. A pie a week for a year! While that wouldn't be enough for us Pierateers, it still sounds a fabulous pie-rize!! All you need to do is order some pies from their website between 7th-13th March. What are you waiting for???

If you’re a pie maker or pie seller and have any special promotions for British Pie Week, get in touch with us and we can celebrate your British Pie Week offers right here! Either send us an email to or tweet us @pierateers to let us promote your pie week plans!


During British Pie Week 2014 we Pierateers consumed a quite incredible 55 pies and you can see the breakdown right here! There were so many highlights that we had to do a whole day-by-day account of it, including a Python pie, a day of just eating apple pie and Pierateer SJL eating 21 pies - one for every meal of British Pie Week.

In fact, Pierateer SJL didn't just eat a pie for every meal but he proved that you can eat pie and lose weight!!! Yes, we can hardly believe it either!

In 2015 we raised the bar even higher by consuming a whopping 71 pies between 2 Pierateers! This included a Pieathon (seeing how long we could just eat pies for) and Rob eating pie for 67% of his diet that week!

Tweet of the Day

So whatever you’re up to this British Pie Week, we hope you have pie and enjoy it! For more ideas, why not check out our #PiePledge video below?


Pierate is a pie review website charting a course to find the ultimate pie. For all the pies we have reviewed have a look at our Pie Rankings or find pies of a particular flavour under Pies: Categorised.

Make sure you 
and let us know your thoughts!

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