Wednesday 19 February 2014

British Pie Week – The Pierateers #PiePledge

You may have seen that we’re once again encouraging pie fans and pie companies to make promises regarding pies for British Pie Week (from 3rd to 9th March 2014). This is in the form of making a #PiePledge or two, possibly committing to eat more pies or try a new pie flavour or do special pie-motions to celebrate pie!

But it would certainly be hypocritical of us to ask you to make a #PiePledge without making a few ourselves, so over the coming days we will be revealing the various #PiePledge ideas the Pierateers will be committing to!

And why not tune into BCfm Radio on Wednesday 26th February, where we will be unveiling some of our #PiePledge ideas live on air!!! You will be able to listen in on your lunch break from 1-2pm by going to or catch up from Wednesday evening by going to to hear from Pierateer RAS and the Pierateers plans for British Pie Week!

So our #PiePledge commitments will be unveiled over the following few days and are as follows:

Wednesday 19th February
The Pierateers #PiePledge to do a day-by-day account of every pie they eat in British Pie Week! Check back daily on to see what crazy pie antics we’ve been up to during the week!

Friday 21st February
Pierateers RAS, SJL and TJP all #PiePledge to eat at least one pie all seven days of British Pie Week! Check back daily on to see what pies we've consumed each day!

Monday 24th February
Pierateer SJL reveals his pie pledge is to eat pie for every meal of British Pie Week, which means he is going to eat at least 21 pies for his #pie4everymeal challenge!

Tuesday 25th February
The Ship's Cook made a #PiePledge to "push the boat out" (so to speak) by attempting a new reci-pie in British Pie Week. Find out what that is here!

Wednesday 26th February
Pierateer RAS unveiled his #PiePledge live on BCfm Radio! You can hear it on "catch up" by going to and listening in from 1pm on 26/2/14. The #PiePledge is made at about 1:10pm but we are talking pie all hour and you can also catch Pierateer SJL phoning in and Pierateer TJP's #PiePledge being announced!

Wednesday 26th February
Shortly after it is announced on BCfm Radio, Pierateer TJP's #PiePledge is unveiled in full on Pierate. We just hope he doesn't snake his way out of it somehow!

Friday 28th February
Pierateer ARL makes her #PiePledge - to be attempted outside of Britain! Find out more here!

Saturday 1st March
Pierateer ALE pledges to risk the crumbly Gluten Free pastry to make a special Gluten Free pie during British Pie Week.

Into the history books…

The #PiePledge was introduced by the Pierateers for British Pie Week 2013 and saw the Pierateers completing the following promises:

- Pierateers RAS and SJL commited to eating a pie every day of British Pie Week 2013 and achieved this! Pierateer TJP ate a pie every working day of the week. See all the pies we are in our day-by-day Pie-ary of British Pie Week 2013

- Pierateer SJL completed his #onlypiesallowed pledge by eating only 3362 kcal of pie on Tuesday of British Pie Week last year (no mash, no veg, just pie!)

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