Monday, 9 March 2020

7 ways to survive post British Pie Week!

Yes, British Pie Week is over. We hear ya! Pie specials will disappear from pub menus. Pie Week discounts will no longer apply. But we’ve got one important message for pie fans: “A pie is for life, not just British Pie Week!” We all know that pies are far too good to celebrate just one week of the year! So here's 7 ways to survive post British Pie Week:

1) Enjoy a pie as soon as possible post British Pie Week - after all, there's no need to just eat pies in British Pie Week!

2) Reminisce about your favourite pie or pies from British Pie Week and plan to eat them again soon!

3) Save up your money to buy some top pies even once the promos and discounts have disappeared.

4) Petition your local pub or pie shop to bring back some of their specials if they were only on sale for British Pie Week.

5) Search our pie rankings list of over 600 pies to find a new pie to try in the coming weeks!

6) Use your extra time to catch up on all the crazy antics the Pierateers have got up to over the years!

7) Remember - it's now less than 365 days until we do it all again, for British Pie Week 2021! It'll be from 1st-7th March 2021.

Pierate is a pie review website charting a course to find the ultimate pie. For all the pies we have reviewed have a look at our Pie Rankings or find pies of a particular flavour under Pies: Categorised.

Make sure you
and let us know your thoughts!
continue reading "7 ways to survive post British Pie Week!"

Sunday, 8 March 2020

British Pie Week 2020 - Sunday Update

With British Pie Week almost over for another year, here's an update on what's been going on in the world of pies in the best week of the year!

Pierate Birmingham Pie Night

Much like the last couple of years, it seemed rude not to celebrate British Pie Week without going to a local pie shop with friends of the blog! Therefore Pierateer Rob organised a trip to the local Pieminister shop in central Birmingham. He once again enjoyed a very nice Moolin Rouge Steak, Bacon and Red Wine pie, so look out for the review of that this coming week! That will be the 20th Pieminister pie we review, and in the meantime you can find the other 19 Pieminister pie reviews!

British Pie Awards

A few years ago the British Pie Awards moved their awards to this week, to coincide with British Pie Week, and this year celebrated their 12th year! The results were released this past Friday 6th March and we are delighted to see that Turner's Pies have once again regained their top spot at the British Pie Awards, following their win at the British Pie Awards 2018!

This year's winning entry out of almost 900 pies entered was a Top Rump Steak and Stilton pie by Turner's Pies, but there were also good showings for a number of our Pierate Highly Recommended pie makers, such as our number 1 pie maker MyPie London who got a gold, silver or bronze for all of their eight entries!

British Pie Week Pierate
British Pie Week 2020 is from 2nd-8th March!


During British Pie Week 2014 we Pierateers consumed a quite incredible 55 pies and you can see the breakdown right here! There were so many highlights that we had to do a whole day-by-day account of it, including a Python pie, a day of just eating apple pie and Pierateer SJL eating 21 pies - one for every meal of British Pie Week.

In fact, Pierateer SJL didn't just eat a pie for every meal but he proved that you can eat pie and lose weight!!! Yes, we can hardly believe it either!

In 2015 we raised the bar even higher by consuming a whopping 71 pies between 2 Pierateers! This included a Pieathon (seeing how long we could just eat pies for) and Rob eating pie for 67% of his diet that week!


Pierate is a pie review website charting a course to find the ultimate pie. For all the pies we have reviewed have a look at our Pie Rankings or find pies of a particular flavour under Pies: Categorised.

Make sure you 
and let us know your thoughts!
continue reading "British Pie Week 2020 - Sunday Update"

Thursday, 5 March 2020

Football Pie Review: The Don of Football Pies?

Rating the steak football pie at Doncaster Rovers by Pukka Pies

Pukka Pie Review
Pukka Pie at the Keepmoat Stadium, Doncaster
Situated on the edge of town, the Keepmoat Stadium is your standard, new out-of-town football stadium that certainly impresses on the eye. But in these new, slightly monotonous out-of-town stadiums it therefore makes the little things, like the warm welcome given by the match day stewards and the posters they put up to welcome the away fans, that bit more personalised. Seeing a photo of Wycombe's new joint-top league goalscorer "The Beast" Akinfenwa on the wall as I walked into the away end of the Keepmoat Stadium was therefore a welcome addition, and it was good to see a decent selection of pies on offer too. The other familiar sign on the wall was for Pukka Pies, reassuring me that the pies should be of a decent quality.

After a reasonably long journey up to Doncaster I wasn't going to hang about, so after grabbing a steak Pukka Pie from the kiosk and taking a quick photo in my seat, I set about tucking into the crisp, golden flaky pastry. As is often the case with a hand-eaten Pukka, the meat and gravy has slightly tipped to the bottom of the pie, meaning the first bite or two were rather filling-lite. But it didn't take too long to get into the meaty steak chunks and the pie was well filled, not too soggy on the base and crisp on the lid. The capacity was decent, though not filled to the brim, so some points had to be deducted there. But overall, as with many a football Pukka Pie, it filled the hole well and didn't disappoint.

Pukka Pie Review
Cut through of the Steak Pukka Pie

The price of the pie was £3.30, which is on the more expensive end of the football pie price range (especially as it was a Pukka) but I would have happily had another. Certainly not the Don of all football pies, as can be seen in it's placement in the PIEremiership Table, but a decent effort none-the-less!

Pukka Pies Steak Pie
Score: 4.36/7
[Colour 4, Capacity 4.5, Consistency 4, Condition 5, Chewiness 5, Cheapness 3, Content 5]

We've rated over 600 pies, including a number of football pies

More about us and our football pie pedigree:

Sam and Rob being interviewed by BBC Sport's Azi Farni
Watch the video on the BBC Sport website
Regulars to our pie blog will know we're the world's leading pie review blog - featuring over 600 pie reviews with multiple football pie media appearances! In 2014 we joined BBC Sport's Azi Farni at Morecambe FC, who make some of the best pies rated on Pierate (let alone football grounds) to discuss what makes the perfect football pie! Watch us featuring in the BBC Price of Football video here.

Check out our PIEremiership article and you'll find that Morecambe FC's Globe Arena is certainly the place to be for top football pies! Top of our football pie league and winners of the British Pie Awards twice, Morecambe FC make their pies in the kitchen on site by hand, rather than just buying them in! Back of the net!!


Pierate is a pie review website charting a course to find the ultimate pie. For all the pies we have reviewed have a look at our Pie Rankings or find pies of a particular flavour under Pies: Categorised.

Make sure you 
and let us know your thoughts!
continue reading "Football Pie Review: The Don of Football Pies?"

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

British Pie Week 2020 - Wednesday Update

With British Pie Week already three days in, here's an update on what's going on in the world of pies in the best week of the year!

Pierate Birmingham Pie Night

Much like the last couple of years, it seemed rude not to celebrate British Pie Week without going to a local pie shop with friends of the blog! Therefore Pierateer Rob organised a trip to the local Pieminister shop in central Birmingham. He once again enjoyed a very nice Moolin Rouge Steak, Bacon and Red Wine pie, so look out for the review of that later this week! That will be the 20th Pieminister pie we review, and in the meantime you can find the other 19 Pieminister pie reviews!

British Pie Awards

A few years ago the British Pie Awards moved their awards to this week, to coincide with British Pie Week, and this year celebrate their 12th year! While we won't be there in person this year, judging happens in Melton Mowbray today and we look forward to hearing the results this Friday!

British Pie Week Pierate
British Pie Week 2020 is from 2nd-8th March!
Pie-motions this Pie Week

As it's British Pie Week, a number of pie shops and pie companies are doing special pie-motions to give you even more reason to eat pie this week (as if you really needed it!) Here are some of our favourites:
  • Pieminister are offering free scratchcards when you order pie in their shops or order their pies online this pie week, which include pie-rizes such as free pies or money off your next Pieminister meal!
  • Turner's Pies - who won the British Pie Awards just a few years ago in 2018 with their Steak and Ale pies - are donating money to Chestnut Tree House Children's Hospice from the sale of their British Pie Week Steak and Mature Cheddar pie and Champion Pie Packs. Place your orders at
  • Brockleby's are offering 10% off their online pies if you quote "BRITISHPIEWEEK" at the checkout on
  • MyPie London - our number 1 pie maker out of over 600 - is out and about across London this week, with this being one of owner Chris' busiest weeks of the year!! If you are London way, check out the diary on the MyPie Website!

If you’re a pie maker or pie seller and have any special promotions for British Pie Week, get in touch with us and we can celebrate your British Pie Week offers right here! Either send us an email to or tweet us @pierateers to let us promote your pie week plans!


During British Pie Week 2014 we Pierateers consumed a quite incredible 55 pies and you can see the breakdown right here! There were so many highlights that we had to do a whole day-by-day account of it, including a Python pie, a day of just eating apple pie and Pierateer SJL eating 21 pies - one for every meal of British Pie Week.

In fact, Pierateer SJL didn't just eat a pie for every meal but he proved that you can eat pie and lose weight!!! Yes, we can hardly believe it either!

In 2015 we raised the bar even higher by consuming a whopping 71 pies between 2 Pierateers! This included a Pieathon (seeing how long we could just eat pies for) and Rob eating pie for 67% of his diet that week!

Tweet of the Day

So whatever you’re up to this British Pie Week, we hope you have pie and enjoy it! For more ideas, why not check out our #PiePledge video below?


Pierate is a pie review website charting a course to find the ultimate pie. For all the pies we have reviewed have a look at our Pie Rankings or find pies of a particular flavour under Pies: Categorised.

Make sure you 
and let us know your thoughts!
continue reading "British Pie Week 2020 - Wednesday Update"

Monday, 2 March 2020

British Pie Week 2020 - Everything you need to know!

With British Pie Week kicking off today, we thought you might want to find out everything you should know about the greatest week in pie!

When is British Pie Week?

British Pie Week is held the first full week of March, which this year is 2nd-8th March 2020.

What is British Pie Week?

Originally set up by a pastry maker as a way to sell more of their pastry, it is now Britain’s main celebration of pie! Pubs, restaurants, pie shops and more have used British Pie Week to run com-pie-titions, pie specials and the like (so why not ask what your local pie-selling pub is doing to celebrate pie week?), while supermarkets sometimes use the week to discount their pie ranges. The British Pie Awards have even moved their awards to this week, to coincide with British Pie Week, and this year celebrate their 12th year!

However it’s also an excuse for pie lovers like the Pierateers to do various pie stunts and for the average pie fan to excuse their pie eating for a week! (“Well it’s Pie Week, so I have to have a pie!!!”)

British Pie Week Pierate
British Pie Week 2020 is from 2nd-8th March!
How can I get involved?

Well, the pies the limit! Of course the more traditional ways include eating a pie from a pie shop or pub, or making your own pie at home. The more adventurous might host friends for a “pie night” – much like we are doing with our Pierate Birmingham Pie Night – or do some crazy pie stunt like only eating pies for a day (which we’ve done numerous times) or create an unusual filling for a pie – like we did with our Pie-thon (python meat pie).

Python pie
The infamous Python meat pie!


During British Pie Week 2014 we Pierateers consumed a quite incredible 55 pies and you can see the breakdown right here! There were so many highlights that we had to do a whole day-by-day account of it, including a Python pie, a day of just eating apple pie and Pierateer SJL eating 21 pies - one for every meal of British Pie Week.

In fact, Pierateer SJL didn't just eat a pie for every meal but he proved that you can eat pie and lose weight!!! Yes, we can hardly believe it either!

In 2015 we raised the bar even higher by consuming a whopping 71 pies between 2 Pierateers! This included a Pieathon (seeing how long we could just eat pies for) and Rob eating pie for 67% of his diet that week!

When did it all start?

British Pie Week was created by a pastry company in 2007 to sell more pastry, but it seems that company have now ditched the idea, with the lucrative webpage now just re-directing to their main pastry website and their @BritPieWeek twitter account not having been updated since March 2016!

This means the new home of British Pie Week is really, who don’t care about making money or selling more pastry, but want to celebrate the pie – with well over 600 pies already rated and numerous pie-related stunts highlighting their love of pie! For more information on what Pierate have got up to over the years since first celebrating British Pie Week in 2011, check out our dedicated British Pie Week page!

British Pie Week Pierate Pie
The Pierate Logo Pie made for us in British Pie Week 2014!
Find out more about this Nice Pie here.
How can Pierate help me this British Pie Week?

Well, there's no denying we are the web's pie-remier pie resource with over 1 million pie fans visiting our pie blog! You can browse our Pie Rankings of over 600 pies rated and ranked so that you can avoid the bad ones and grab the best ones, plus we have a pie pun dictionary (so you can pun-ctuate your conversation in pie week) and more pie trivia than you can shake a stick at! We truly are the home of the pie review at and you can find out more about the piefessionals (pie experts) in our About Us section!

Finally, if you’re a pie maker or pie seller and have any special promotions for British Pie Week, get in touch with us and we can celebrate your British Pie Week offers right here! Either send us an email to or tweet us @pierateers to let us promote your pie week plans!

So whatever you’re up to this British Pie Week, we hope you have pie and enjoy it! For more ideas, why not check out our #PiePledge video below?


Pierate is a pie review website charting a course to find the ultimate pie. For all the pies we have reviewed have a look at our Pie Rankings or find pies of a particular flavour under Pies: Categorised.

Make sure you 
and let us know your thoughts!
continue reading "British Pie Week 2020 - Everything you need to know!"