Friday, 2 April 2010

Pie and Mash or Pie and Chips?!

It's the grand old debate (along with what pie filling to choose from at the local chippy)...

Pie and Mash or Pie and Chips?

So let's look at the pros and cons of both options and then let the consumer decide:

Forget the cash, lets go for the mash!

Arguably the more expensive and time consuming option, having mash with your pie is certainly still a popular choice. While buying, peeling and cooking the potatoes means it is generally the 'meal at home' choice, it certainly is worth the effort. It helps remove the 'fast food junkie' image of your typical pie consumer, by going for a more sophisticated potato option. Certainly it goes down the gullet more smoothly and, by boiling the potato rather than frying, it is the more healthy option. It does however take longer to prepare and means you can't just have a sudden pie craving without waiting for the potatoes to be ready. It certainly isn't the 'on the go' choice - unless you happen to come across the legendary "Urban Pie" retailer in the Bullring, Birmingham. We will defo have a review of there pies sometime soon!

So in summary: MASH - the more healthy option, but preparation time generally needed.

Fast food pies need some fries!

When in need of a quick, tasty - and not necessarily healthy - fast food meal, why not go for the good old fashioned pie and chips?! Always guaranteed to go well with the meatylicious pie you've purchased, you can always benefit from having chips to dip in the gravy and mix well with the meat and pastry of the pie. Just don't let the chips detract you from the pie itself or lead to you having uneaten pie leftover - there are priorities! Readily available at restaurants and chip shops, you can nearly always get a sprinkling of fries with your pies. And often more cheaply and quicker than waiting for mashed potato too. Perhaps less healthy than mash, but when you're going for a pie it generally isn't a calorie busting diet you're going for! Why not just go the whole hog?!

So in summary: FRIES - great on the go, ready when you are!

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