Monday, 4 June 2012

A Royally Jubilicious Pie

To mark Queen Elizabeth's 60 years on the throne and as part of the Diamond Jubilee celebrations, the Senei produced a royally good pie! Provided at the Jubilee Lunch, hosted by City Church Birmingham, the red, white and blue bunting, flags and decorations by the children only added to the carnival atmosphere, as I dived in to grab the first slice of homemade Chicken & Stuffing Picnic Pie. The first thing to note were the nice chunks of chicken that were spread throughout the centre of the pie, giving every slice of pie that meatilicious content every savoury pie reviewer craves. The chicken and stuffing worked perfectly together, combining well with the nice thick pastry coating. I must have picked the perfect slice, as it did not crumble until the last mouthful, and while I did spot a few slightly crumbling slices on other people’s plates (notably the chef and chefess themselves), it was indeed a very fine and well crafted pie. And even better – it did not cost me a penny! It was packed full of content, my only slight criticism being a slightly higher content of chicken would have rounded it off perfectly, but all in all my first taste of Chicken & Stuffing Picnic Pie has left me craving for more! Bring on the 70 year celebrations!

The Queen would have certainly given this pie her royal seal of approval! A great pie to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee weekend with!

Score: 6.1/7
Chicken and Stuffing Picnic Pie

Bryony's patriotic Jubilee Cake, eaten at another Jubilee celebration!

1 comment:

  1. What a review. Erudite, articulate and informative - a real page-turner.

    For the sake of the impartiality of the website, it's important to point out at that the 'sponsored by' reference in the picture does not reflect any conflict of interest on the part of the reviewer. RAS recognises a good pie when he eats one. There was nothing League Two about this pie - indeed it was almost Championship quality. But not quite.


Thanks for getting in touch with the Pierateers!