Thursday, 5 February 2015

Jekyll or Hyde? We decide!

“Jekyll and Hyde” Cock and Bull Pie Review at The Jekyll and Hyde Pub, Birmingham City Centre

Jekyll and Hyde Pie Review
Jekyll and Hyde Pie Review
It seems apt that just a stone’s throw away from the Bullring and central shopping areas, the Jekyll and Hyde Pub offers a quality cock and bull pie at a very reasonable price, and the quality of pies was something we were already aware of as our review of their steak pie in May 2013 proved. It rated at an amazing 6.45/7!

So when Pierateers RAS and SJL met in Birmingham at the end of last year it was an obvious choice to go back and try another pie there! While it was a shame there was only one pie on the menu, it meant both Pierateers could give their opinion on the pie they tried. And being the house pie (named the “Jekyll and Hyde pie” on their menu) we were hoping for a good one!

The Jekyll and Hyde pub in Birmingham was the setting for some recent filming Pierateer RAS did with the BBC, which you’ll be able to view in March 2015. Of course we’ll let you know more when it airs! Until then, you can still see us on the BBC Sport website talking football pies!

The pie on the menu was a “cock and bull pie finished with shallots, mushrooms and port, served with seasonal vegetables and champ potato”. It was once again a very decent sized pie for a £8.50 meal in the centre of Birmingham and good quality for that price. However it took us a bit by surprise that it was served in a ceramic dish!

You can image our thoughts as it was brought to the table we were sitting at, seeing that ceramic dish and some puff pastry peaking over the rim. Had they changed their winning formula? Was the fully encased Jekyll changing into a top crust Hyde?!

Jekyll and Hyde Pie Review
Jekyll and Hyde Pie Review
Fortunately we needn’t have worried! It was indeed a fully encased pie – just served, for some reason, in a ceramic dish! Perhaps this was to conserve the heat or something, but there was no need for them to Hyde this pie away! Pierateer RAS immediately took his pie out of the pie dish and it was indeed a decent, free-standing pie.

Jekyll and Hyde Pie Review
Jekyll and Hyde Pie Cross-section
The pie itself came out well presented, with a golden and crisp pastry lid. The sides and base were a bit paler, most probably as a result of the pie dish, but not undercooked and were still tasty and held the content in well. You could certainly still pick up a piece of the pie with your hands – always a good sign!

The pie lid was particularly flaky and light pastry, very much enjoyed, and well complemented by the tender pieces of meat within the pie and a mix of vegetables, including the shallots. The meat was nicely spread throughout the pie and while the meat pieces were quite large and thus a little chewy in places, it was generally very good. I’d perhaps recommend slightly smaller pieces of meat next time to make it a bit tenderer and mix the flavours more, but all together this was another very good pie.

While it didn’t quite reach the peaks of the Steak pie eaten last year, it is clear that pies are something the Jekyll and Hyde pub do well! It’s another top scoring pie on the 7 Cs of pie rating for Birmingham which earns Pierate Recommended status!

Jekyll and Hyde Pub “Jekyll and Hyde” Cock and Bull Pie
Score: 5.9/7
[Colour 5.8, Capacity 6.25, Consistency 5.75, Condition 5.7, Chewiness 5.8, Cheapness 6, Content 6, Total: 5.9/7]

Pierate is a pie review website charting a course to find the ultimate pie. For all the pies we have reviewed have a look at our Pie Rankings or find pies of a particular flavour under Pies: Categorised.

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