Saturday, 20 March 2010

There are no half measures with the best half-time pie available

Meat and Potato Pie Review from Potts Pies

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For months I have been dreaming about finally getting my hands on a Potts Pie. They have been sold at Morecombe football ground and were crowned king of footy pies by the man who ate all the pies, Tom Dickinson.

Potts Pies Meat and Potato PieThey also have a few shops in the local area which do an excellent trade on weekday lunchtime (or dinner time as they call it up north) but only open briefly on Saturdays. Today though I managed to buy a Meat and Potato Pie from the Lancaster branch. This isn't my typical choice but it was forced upon me by the fact that it was all that was left. However I still have high hopes and I ask you now to join me on the exciting culinary journey.

Potts Pies Meat and Potato PieAt first glance it just looks like a normal pie in a fair Condition considering it was one of the last ones. There is a nice Colour to the pastry with some variation. One thing I notice is that the paper bag it came with had started to go translucent due to the PURE LARD that they use to make their pastry. Make no mistake these are NOT low fat pies.

Let's take a bite.....


Right now words are just not enough. Language is just too inflexible for me to explain the depth of flavour and the perfect balance of pastry/filling that this pie has. Its like this pie wants me to eat it. The individual ingredients have all been waiting for this moment and planning how they could make it as perfect as possible. I can just imagine the wheat sitting in the field and being just the right ripeness when it was harvested.

The pastry is just the right Chewiness, I would say it was above average on the chewinessometer but in my opinion pie pastry should be slightly chewy where as modern fare tends to be more soggy. It is brilliantly Crispy too which I now realise isn't even on the Seven C's but I'm so excited I can't restrict myself to just the 7.

In the middle the meat is more tender than most pie meat which is often sadly low quality. There is a great texture and Consistency with the filling. The Capacity is high and the Content fufils the whole capacity, another factor regularly missing with lesser pies. I would say that it is quite salty which I like but isn't for everyone.

IPotts Pies Meat and Potato Pie have now noticed that having put the half eaten pie on its paper wrapper the fat has soaked through the paper and made two pages of a notebook underneath also go translucent. That brings me nicely to my conclusions about this pie. It's flavours are great and its clearly a premium product. But it isn't the lightest thing and you can taste the grease a little. So it is fantastic as a treat or the occasional dinner but you're not going to be able to eat loads and it isn't advised! At £2 it not the Cheapest but offers good value for money. Even if you have to pay more and utilise their revolutionary 'Pies By Post' service it is recommended that every pie lover tries one.

Potts Pies Meat and Potato Pie
Score: 5.9/7

See where this pie ended up in the Pierate Pie Rankings or find other pies of a similar flavour.

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