Friday, 4 July 2014

World Cup Pie-Off - France v Germany

The Quarter Finals of the World Cup 2014 has thrown up a European heavyweight clash between France and Germany, but it's not just the players on the pitch getting a rating. Oh no! We couldn't let these two teams battle it out without some reference to their pie line ups! So off the back of our England v Italy and Australia v Netherlands World Cup Pie-Offs, here's our third installment!

The World Cup Pie-Off idea is simple – a straight head-to-head between the top rated pie from France and Germany.

Enjoying the World Cup? Love Pie? Then our World Cup 2014 Pie Blog is the place to be! Being updated regularly throughout the Football World Cup with pie links and info!

As you might expect this was quite a tight battle, with both sides not actually showing great commitment on the pie front. It seems both the French and Germans favour tarts over pies - something we at Pierate are highly disappointed about. However, a pie was found in both countries, so here are the review summaries.

Team France Pie Review
Team France Pie Review
The pie from France was found in a local Delicatessen in Morzine after a lot of searches across the country. And boy did it come with a large price tag! Still, we were purchasing a duck and fig pie, so I guess you can expect a bit of a premium on them! The capacity of this pie was chock-full and the flavours were rich and slightly sweet from the fig. An outrageous price tag but then beggars can't be choosers - we have so far struggled to find other pies in France.

The top rated pie from Germany was found right at the centre of Cologne. It was a sweet pie - as most of the pies (and tarts) we have seen in Germany have been - and the apple flavour is quite typical too. The pie itself was a lovely, sweet apple pie which crumbled beautifully in the mouth when eaten. The beautifully buttery pastry was lovely and golden, crumbling in the mouth. If anything, it was just a little too crumbly to eat easily by hand. Still, it rated well on the 7 Cs.

Team Germany Pie Review
Team Germany Pie Review

So onto the pie-off and here are the results of the top pie from each country (click on the pie for the full review):

InfoFrance PieScorevsScoreGermany Pie
Duck and Fig Pie
Apple Pie ("Apfeltorte")
Morzine Delicatessen

So there we have it - the French pip the Germans on our Seven Cs. Possibly the fact it was a meat (and very expensive meat) pie verses a sweet pie swung it in the favour of the French?! Whether that is the case on the football field, we will see on 4th July!

And it seems that we're not the only guys having a World Cup food contest! For alongside our Pie-Offs, the Great British BBQ website are having their own World Cup Sausage contest called "El Sausageo 2014". To see which sizzling sausage wins in their World Cup match offs, visit the El Sausageo website!


Pierate is a pie review website charting a course to find the ultimate pie. For all the pies we have reviewed have a look at our Pie Rankings or find pies of a particular flavour under Pies: Categorised.

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