Sunday, 29 April 2012

British Pie Awards 2012

This is a big year for Britain. Have we got the energy to put on a memorable celebration for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee? Can the country step up to the plate and deliver a great Olympics? At we think this comes down to whether the plate handed to the average Britain has enough energy in it. And there is more to energy than just calories. Britain needs inspiration. Britain needs passion. Britain needs something to fight for. Britain needs something warm and comforting to get through the times when the rain just doesn't stop.

Britain needs fantastic pies.

This is the fifth year of the British Pie Awards
This is where the British Pie Awards can help. By giving the best pie makers across the land the recognition they deserve this helps drive up standards. As the home of pies the bench mark is already high in Britain but we need the absolute best from our pie makers this year. The 2012 awards were held in Melton Mowbray on Wednesday 25th April. They didn't just judge Melton Mowbray pork pies but a number of different pie categories. It is good to see a number of pies recommended by us here at pierate that were among the winner. The team at Morecambe Football Club were again successful in a number of areas including best football pie and best small producer. The supreme champion was Dunkleys of Wellingborough (no I didn't know where it was either but apparently it is near Northampton). They won with a very intriguing flavour of Chicken, Ham, Mushroom, Buttered Leeks & Suet Pastry Pie. Congratulations to all at Dunkleys, it appears the Pierateers have a new destination to sail to.


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