Wednesday 12 November 2014

International Pierate Day 2014

Today the Pierateers of pie review website celebrate their 5th Birthday! So naturally we thought what better way to celebrate than to eat a pie and rate it?! It follows in the footsteps of the very first International Pierate Day last year.

But we don’t want you – pie lovers worldwide – to just sit at home and watch as we eat all the pies! Oh no! Pie eating and pie rating is something we can all enjoy. Something that can bring friends, family and communities together. Pies are celebrated and eaten in so many countries worldwide and so today – marking our fifth birthday – we would love you to join us in eating and rating pies with us!

That’s why we’ve designated
12th November as International Pierate Day!

And to celebrate the occasion of our 5th birthday, we commissioned designer @Michlan to create us this lovely, personalised print (which is proudly being displayed in Pierate HQ right now!)

Pierate Pierateer Print
Our Birthday Pierateer print by @michlan

So here’s the deal... in six simple words: Eat a pie and rate it!

It doesn’t matter whether it’s savoury or sweet, or whether you prefer your pies without the wheat or meat! We really do rate anything and everything that is a true pie and sometimes a number of interesting things that try to be pies to! But the important thing is we love to eat pie and rate it – for we are, after all, the Pierateers!

In addition to all the exciting plans we have for #InternationalPierateDay and our 'Month of birthday surPIEses', we are also delighted to announce that The London Pie and Mash Company Limited are coming to Birmingham to provide traditional London pie, mash and liquor for our 5th Birthday Pie-rty on 22nd November! We can't wait!!!

So once you’ve found a pie to eat – whether in the local bakery, butchers, supermarket or your favourite pie shop or one you have made in the luxury of your own home – why not rate your pie using the Seven Cs of pie rating?

Pierate Pie Reviews Seven Cs Infographic
The Seven Cs of pie rating infographic

This International Pierate Day we're looking to solve a pie mystery that has bamboozled shoppers for years... Just why do shops sell mince pies before December?

Find out our thoughts on the matter and our pie rating of Booths Mince Pies by checking out our article
"International Pierate Day 2014 - Mince Pie with every meal"

So what do you need to do now?

Well, first things first - you need a pie (or two!) For insPIEration, you might find our Pie Rankings - of over 425 pies we've rated and reviewed over the past 5 years - or perhaps you'd like to narrow it down to our 'Best Pies in London Restaurants'?

You can even watch us on the BBC website advising what to look for in a pie!

Most of all, we hope you enjoy eating and rating pies today! We sure will!!!

Pierate is a pie review website charting a course to find the ultimate pie. For all the pies we have reviewed have a look at our Pie Rankings or find pies of a particular flavour under Pies: Categorised.

Make sure you 
and let us know your thoughts!

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