Thursday, 3 March 2022

British Pie Week 2022 - Everything you need to know!

With British Pie Week kicking off on Monday 7th March 2022, we thought you might want to find out everything you should know about the greatest week in pie! With the impacts of covid-19 reducing in Britain and the o-pie-tunity to get out and about visiting pie shops and hosting pie parties, there's no excuse not to celebrate again properly this year! So read on to find out more!

British Pie Week 2022
When is British Pie Week?

British Pie Week is held the first full week of March, which this year is 7th-13th March 2022. That means it is the latest in the year it can possibly be this year!

What is British Pie Week?

Originally set up by a pastry maker as a way to sell more of their pastry, it is now Britain’s main celebration of pie! Pubs, restaurants, pie shops and more have used British Pie Week to run com-pie-titions, pie specials and the like, while supermarkets sometimes use the week to discount their pie ranges. The British Pie Awards have even moved their awards to this week, to coincide with British Pie Week, back in pie week again after being moved to later in the year in 2021 due to Coronavirus!

However it’s also an excuse for pie lovers like the Pierateers to do various pie stunts and for the average pie fan to excuse their pie eating for a week! (“Well it’s Pie Week, so I have to have a pie!!!”)

British Pie Week Pierate
British Pie Week 2022 is from 7th-13th March!
How can I get involved?

Well, the pies the limit! Of course the more traditional ways include eating a pie from a pie shop or pub, purchasing a pie from your local supermarket or make an online order from your favourite online pie supplier (or try out a new one!)

Or you could of course make your own pie at home. There are plenty of reci-pies out there to use, including a number we have tried and rated ourselves. Or you could still do some crazy pie stunt like only eating pies for a day (which we’ve done numerous times) or create an unusual filling for a pie – like we did with our Pie-thon (python meat pie).

Online Pie Order Ideas:

You can order pies from our Number 1 rated pie maker MyPie on their website here:

You can order pies from British Pie Awards winners Turner's Pies on their website here:

You can order pies from Pieminister on their website here:

Python pie
The infamous Python meat pie!


During British Pie Week 2014 we Pierateers consumed a quite incredible 55 pies and you can see the breakdown right here! There were so many highlights that we had to do a whole day-by-day account of it, including a Python pie, a day of just eating apple pie and Pierateer SJL eating 21 pies - one for every meal of British Pie Week.

In fact, Pierateer SJL didn't just eat a pie for every meal but he proved that you can eat pie and lose weight!!! Yes, we can hardly believe it either!

In 2015 we raised the bar even higher by consuming a whopping 71 pies between 2 Pierateers! This included a Pieathon (seeing how long we could just eat pies for) and Rob eating pie for 67% of his diet that week!

When did it all start?

British Pie Week was created by a pastry company in 2007 to sell more pastry, but it seems that company have now ditched the idea, with the lucrative webpage now just re-directing to their main pastry website and their @BritPieWeek twitter account not having been updated since March 2016!

This means the new home of British Pie Week is really, who don’t care about making money or selling more pastry, but want to celebrate the pie – with well over 600 pies already rated and numerous pie-related stunts highlighting their love of pie! For more information on what Pierate have got up to over the years since first celebrating British Pie Week in 2011, check out our dedicated British Pie Week page!

British Pie Week Pierate Pie
The Pierate Logo Pie made for us in British Pie Week 2014!
Find out more about this Nice Pie here.
How can Pierate help me this British Pie Week?

Well, there's no denying we are the web's pie-remier pie resource with almost 1.5 million pie fans visiting our pie blog! You can browse our Pie Rankings of over 600 pies rated and ranked so that you can avoid the bad ones and grab the best ones, plus we have a pie pun dictionary (so you can pun-ctuate your conversation in pie week) and more pie trivia than you can shake a stick at! We truly are the home of the pie review at and you can find out more about the piefessionals (pie experts) in our About Us section!

So whatever you’re up to this British Pie Week, we hope you have pie and enjoy it! For more ideas, why not check out our #PiePledge video below?


Pierate is a pie review website charting a course to find the ultimate pie. For all the pies we have reviewed have a look at our Pie Rankings or find pies of a particular flavour under Pies: Categorised.

Make sure you 
and let us know your thoughts!

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